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Become a Sponsor!

Please consider sponsoring the FM Kicks Band.

Consider Sponsoring the Band!

It is thanks to businesses and organizations like yours that we are able to share the joy of jazz in our community. Join hands with our vibrant nonprofit jazz band and become an integral part of our mission.

Consider becoming a sponsor at one of the levels listed below or contact us about other sponsorship opportunities.

Sponsor Benefits

Donations of
$5000 or more

Donations of
$3000 or more

Donations of
$1000 or more

Donations of
$600 or more

Donations of
$300 or more

Donations of
$100 or more

Reach Out Today!

Let’s connect! Reach out through the links below to get more information on pricing, availability and more. Feel free to email us at or call our band director, Tim at 218-790-4292.

Email usCall usDonate NowSponsor Benefits

Thank You To Our Sponsors

MGI Industries

Studio 4:13